Amy Snow Amy Snow

Summer Time in CHS

The summer is heating up in Charleston and so are our listings. Looking for a short term or vacation rental? Let us know. Looking to add your property to our portfolio? Let us know.

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Amy Snow Amy Snow

Why SAVI Chose Edisto Beach

After leaving the multi-family industry and venturing out on our own, Amy and I knew we had a lot of work to do but we were confident in our ability to be resourceful and tenacious enough to create our own property management company.  With over 24 years of combined experience in the field, we knew we could figure it out.  We took a slow approach and enjoyed some family time while setting up the business.  

"Charleston NEEDS good property managers like you!"  This is what all of our friends in real estate kept telling us, which only confirmed that we were on the right track.   We opened up ourselves to the entire Charleston area since we weren't sure where our clients would come from and we didn't want to cut ourselves off from any potential business.  What we learned?  We are little fish in a big pond, as Amy would say.  It was time to narrow our scope and focus on specific sub markets.  

Three things kept popping up on our radar:  Long-term or mid-term rentals, Isle of Palms, and Edisto Island.  Edisto Island just kept coming up.  In fact we kept meeting people who had homes or at least knew people who had homes out there and needed management.  We kept trying to keep our scope closer to home but Edisto just kept knocking at our door and sometimes you just have to stop ignoring the signs.  Come to find out, we had some great connections to this amazing beach town and people really wanted to give SAVI a leg up in extending to this market.  

Everything started falling into place and the more we learned about Edisto, the more we loved it.  The family atmosphere, the quieter, slower pace that allowed you to unwind, the sense of community, the locals pride in their magical little beach town, and of course the natural beauty that encompasses the entire Island.  Even the drive down highway 174 into Edisto is breathtaking with it's expansive views over rivers, creeks, and marshes.  

Now, this is not a place that you come to visit to be a part of the action.  Of course, there are a couple of bars, some restaurants, and local gift shops but  if you are looking for amusement parks, clubs, video arcades, and huge all you can eat buffets, then Myrtle Beach may be what you are looking for.  (Nothing is wrong with Myrtle Beach by any means!  It's just not a quiet town.) 

Let's paint a picture:  You live a busy chaotic life, your kids are way too obsessed with technology and you need a break from it ALL.  Disney isn't an option because you did that last year and you needed a vacation after your vacation after overspending, over-eating, not getting enough sleep, and having to endure 20 meltdowns from your kids due to overstimulation and too much sugar.  Queue Edisto Beach, a family oriented beach town away from all of the noise.   It's a place where you can unwind in a beautiful beach house, bike down the island bike paths,  hunt shark's teeth along the beach, swim all day, play games, grill out, and just enjoy life.  

Of course there are other things to do like water sports, fishing charters, or playing golf.  You can even visit the Serpentarium where the kids can learn more about reptiles and amphibians.  Botany Bay Plantation Heritage Preserve is amazing and Edisto State Park is another must see.   There are actually plenty of things to do and if you are really jonesing for some city time, Charleston and Beaufort aren't terribly far away.  Just don't listen to people when they say, "oh it's just a 45 minute drive", because traffic plays a huge role in commute time and Charleston is a busy city.  Sure you can plan for a day in Charleston but be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to get there and back.  

All in all, Amy and I decided that Edisto and SAVI would be a good fit.  We look forward to sharing more about this beach town with our SAVI readers and we definitely look forward to welcoming our future clients to the SAVI family.  

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